Hello there!

This is Hybrid Brothers, a brand new site created by Cédric Braekevelt and Robbe Van den Daele that's just getting started. First of all, we would like to thank you for visiting our site! We hope you enjoy your time at HybridBrothers, and learn new things from our blog posts. If you would like some more information about us, you can have a look at the meet the team page.
What is this site about?
Hybrid Brothers is a blogging site where we like to share knowledge about Hybrid Infrastructure, Infrastructure as Code, and Security. We mainly focus on Microsoft technologies like Azure, Microsoft Security, and bicep, but who knows what brings the future!
What is the benefit of signing up?
When you create an account on our website, you can comment on blog posts and collaborate with us. You will also be able to set your preferences to receive email notifications or not. Sadly enough, we do not support newsletters at this moment. The best way to stay updated on our newest blog posts is by following the team members on LinkedIn. However, if you do decide to sign up on our website you will automatically receive email newsletters once we decide to enable these. When this happens, we will make sure you will get notified in advance.